Data Privacy Policy

Learn how we collect and process data

We take your data protection seriously

We process personal data, which is why we have adopted a privacy protection policy to inform you how we process your data.

To ensure the best possible data protection, we continuously assess the risk of our data protection having a negative effect on your fundamental rights. We are particularly mindful your risk of being exposed to discrimination, ID theft, financial loss, loss of reputation or data secrecies.

Before processing your personal data, we carry out an analysis of the consequences the data processing will have for your privacy protection.

Contact details

AGRAMKOW Fluid Systems A/S is a data controller, and we make sure that your personal data are processed in accordance with the law.

Contact details of the controller:

AGRAMKOW Fluid Systems A/S
Augustenborg Landevej 19
DK-6400 Sønderborg
CVR No. 12245599
Tel.: +45 74123636

Contact for data protection: 

We ensure fair and transparent data processing

If you provide AGRAMKOW Fluid Systems A/S with personal data, you will be notified what data we process and for what purpose.

If we collect data about you from a third party like a supplier, an authority, or a partner, you will be notified about the legal entitlement and purpose.

We use the following type of data about you

We use data about you in order to improve our service and safeguard the quality of our products and services as well as our contact with you.

The data we use include:

  • Ordinary personal data
  • Traffic data about Internet use
  • Transaction data
  • Unique numbers of network devices

In some cases, we need to compare your data with data we receive from other players, e.g. social media. If this comparison can reveal your identity and information of a private or sensitive nature, we will obtain your consent for the processing.

Before we compare data, we assess whether there is a risk for the processing to have a negative effect on your privacy protection. If this is the case, we will inform you of the processing and its purpose and ask you for your consent to continue with the processing.

You may object to this form of data processing and are entitled to restrict the processing if you are of the opinion that the data we compare about you are inaccurate.

We collect and store your personal data for defined objectives

We collect and store your data for defined objectives or other legal business objectives. This is done in order to guarantee:

  • The fulfilment of your request about products or services
  • The improvement of our products and services
  • The administration of your relationship with us
  • The discharge of statutory requirements

We only process relevant personal data

We only process data about you that are relevant for the objectives which are defined above. The objective is decisive for determining what type of data about you is relevant for us. The same applies to the scope of personal data we use. For example, we do not use more data than what we need for the specific purpose.

Before we process your personal data, we investigate if it is possible for us to minimise the volume of data collected about you. We also investigate if some of the data types we use can be used in anonymised or pseudoanonymised form. This can be done if it does not have a negative effect on our obligations or the service we offer you.

We only process necessary personal data

We only collect, process and store the personal data that are required for meeting the objectives we have set. In addition, the law may define what type of data is required to be collected and stored for our operations. The type of the personal data we process can also be necessary for performing an agreement or discharging another legal obligation.

We want to be certain that we only process personal data that are necessary for each of our defined objectives. This is why it is embedded in our IT systems that we only collect the amount of data that are necessary. It also automatically ensures that the scope of the processing is not unnecessarily large and the storage period is not too long.

To protect you against access of unauthorised persons to your personal data, we also use solutions that automatically ensure that data are only available to relevant employees. There is also embedded protection against the possibility for an unlimited number of people to gain access to the data.

We check and update your personal data

We make sure that the personal data we process about you are not incorrect or misleading. We also make sure to continuously update your personal data.

Since our service depends on keeping your data correct and up-to-date, we will ask you to notify us of any relevant changes to your data. You can use the contact details above to notify us of such changes.

To ensure the quality of your data, we have adopted internal rules and have laid down procedures for control and updating of your personal data.

We delete your personal data once they are no longer necessary

We delete your personal data once they are no longer necessary for the objectives which were the grounds for the collection, processing and storage of your data.

We obtain your consent before we process your personal data

We obtain your consent before we process your personal data for the purposes that are described above, unless there are legal grounds for collecting them. We notify you of such grounds and of our legitimate interest in processing your personal data.

Your consent is voluntary, and you may withdraw it at any time by contacting us. Use the contact details above if you would like to get additional information.

If we want to use your personal data for another purpose than the original one, we will inform you about the new purpose and ask for your consent before we initiate the data processing. If we have other legal grounds for the new processing, we will inform you about them.

We do not disclose your personal data without your consent

If we disclose your personal data to cooperation partners and other players, e.g. for marketing purposes, we will obtain your consent and inform you what your data will be used for. You may make objections against this form of disclosure at all times.

We do not obtain your consent if we are legally obliged to disclose your personal data, e.g. as part of our reporting to an authority.

We will obtain your consent before we disclose your personal data to cooperation partners in third countries. If we disclose your personal data to partners in third countries, we will make sure that their level of personal data protection matches the requirements we have set in this policy in accordance with the existing legislation. We place, among other things, requirements to the processing of data, information security and exercising the rights you have, e.g. to object to profiling and to lodge a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Authority.

We protect your personal data and have internal rules regarding information security

We have adopted rules for information security that contain instructions and measures protecting your personal data against being destroyed, lost or changed, against unauthorised publication and for preventing unauthorised persons from gaining access to or getting familiar with them.

We have fixed procedures for assigning access rights to those of our employees who process sensitive personal data and data that reveal information about personal interests and habits. We check their actual access by means of inspections. To prevent data loss, we continuously make backups of our data set. We also protect the confidentiality and authenticity of your data using encryption.

In case of security breaches that result in a high risk for discrimination, IT theft, financial losses, loss of reputation or another material disadvantage to you, we will notify you of the security breach as quickly as possible.

Cookies, purposes and relevance

If we place cookies, you will be notified of the use and purpose of collecting data via cookies.

We obtain your consent

Before we place cookies on your devices, we will ask you for your consent. However, the cookies necessary for ensuring functionality and settings can be used without your consent.

You can get more information about our use of cookies and about how you can delete or reject them on our website under our cookie policy. If you would like to withdraw your consent, you can view the guidelines for this underneath our cookie policy on our website.

You are entitled to access your personal data

You are entitled to know at all times what data we process about you, where they come from and what we use them for. To the extent we disclose data in Denmark and abroad, you are also entitled to know how long we store your personal data for and who receives data about you.

If you ask us about this, we can inform you about the data we process about you. However, such access can be limited out of consideration for the protection of other persons’ privacy, business secrets and intellectual property rights.

You can exercise your rights by contacting us. You will find our contact details at the top.

You are entitled to have inaccurate data corrected or deleted

If you are of the opinion that the personal data we process about you are inaccurate, you are entitled to have them corrected. You must contact us and inform us where such inaccuracies are located and how they can be corrected.

In some cases, we will be under an obligation to delete your personal data. This applies, for example, if you withdraw your consent. If you are of the opinion that your data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they have been collected, you may ask to have them deleted. You can also contact us if you are of the opinion that your data are processed in contravention of the law or other legal obligations.

When you contact us with a request to have your personal data corrected or deleted, we will investigate if the conditions for this are met and, if so, we will implement the corrections or deletion as quickly as possible.

You are entitled to object to the way we process personal data

You are entitled to object to the way we process personal data. You can also object to our disclosure of your data for marketing purposes. You can use the contact details at the top to send such an objection. If your objection is justified, we will make sure to discontinue the processing of your personal data.

You are entitled to receive the personal data you have placed at our disposal and the personal data we have collected regarding you from other players on the grounds of your consent. If we process data about as part of an agreement to which you are party, you can also have your data sent to you. You are also entitled to transfer these data to another service provider.

If you want to take advantage of your right to data portability, you will receive your personal data from us in a commonly used format.

If you want to have access to your data, to have them corrected or deleted or to file an objection against our data processing, we will investigate if this is possible and we will reply to your enquiry as quickly as possible, within not more than one month after receiving your enquiry.

By clicking 'Accept All' you consent that we may collect information about you for various purposes, including: Functionality, Statistics and Marketing